Media queries

To assist with creating scalable, responsive layouts, SFUMATO provides a media query mixin. This mixin provides a simple way to wrap blocks of SCSS code in conditional statements that allow you to easily specify SFUMATO media breakpoints.

                                                        @include sf-media( {options} ) {
                                                            // Your styles rendered only
                                                            // on the specified breakpoints

Media query options

  • $feature — default: false

    Use a specific media query feature, to target very specific situations like portrait orientation.

    Note: only one feature can be used at a time.

    • portrait — target portrait orientation devices
    • landscape — target landscape orientation devices
    • at2x — target 2x screen resolution
    • at3x — target 3x screen resolution
  • $from — default: false

    Styles will be used for this breakpoint and wider.

  • $upto — default: false

    Styles will be used for screen sizes up to but not including this breakpoint.

  • $type — default: screen

    Styles will be used for this type of output device. These are standard CSS device type values (e.g. screen).

Media breakpoints

Media breakpoints are defined in the _config-media-breakpoints.scss file. You can edit this file to adjust the pixel measurements used for the breakpoints.

The media breakpoints codes (4-letter shortcuts) included with SFUMATO include:

  • zero — All device widths from 0px and up.

  • phab — Large mobile phones; starts at 400px in width.

  • tabp — Tablets in portrait orientation; starts at 540px in width.

  • tabl — Tablets in landscape orientation; starts at 800px in width.

  • note — Notbook-sized computers; starts at 1,152px in width.

  • desk — Desktop-sized computers; starts at 1,280px in width.

  • elas — Wide displays; starts at 1,440px in width; your web page will stop scaling at this width.


The following are some examples of how to implement various media query wrappers.

Standard mobile-first

This example shows a simple mobile-first scenario where mobile styles cascade until changed at wider breakpoints.

                                                div {
                                                    padding: 1rem;
                                                    @include sf-media($from: tabp) {
                                                        padding: 1.5rem;
                                                        @include sf-media($from: tabl) {
                                                            padding: 2rem;

Target only mobile

This example shows a simple mobile-first scenario where mobile styles do not cascade up to wider breakpoints.

                                                div {
                                                    @include sf-media($upto: tabp) {
                                                        padding: 1rem;
                                                    @include sf-media($from: tabp) {
                                                        padding: 1.5rem;
                                                        @include sf-media($from: tabl) {
                                                            padding: 2rem;

Target specific breakpoints

This example shows how to target a specific breakpoint without styles cascading to wider ones.

                                                div {
                                                    @include sf-media($from: tabp, $upto: tabl) {
                                                        padding: 1.5rem;
                                                    @include sf-media($from: tabl, $upto: note) {
                                                        padding: 2rem;
                                                    @include sf-media($from: note) {
                                                        padding: 3rem;

Target hi-dpi displays

This example shows how to target a hi-dpi (e.g. Retina) display over a standard one.

                                                div {
                                                    // Mobile devices in portrait mode
                                                    @include sf-media($feature: portrait, $upto: tabl) {
                                                        font-size: 1rem;
                                                        // Only 2x or higher dpi
                                                        @include sf-media($feature: at2x) {
                                                            font-size: 0.5rem;

Target printers

This example shows how to target a printer for great looking printed pages.

                                                div {
                                                    @include sf-media($type: print) {
                                                        // Print styles here